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Fashionista @ Heart

It's said that a Fashionista will suffer for the good of being stylish. Well, if that's the case, then I'm a Fashionista @ heart. I unlike a True Fashionista ("TF") have the good sense to understand my budget, the interest rates on my credit cards, and last but not least - that instant gratification only lasts - yes people - but an instant. In my heart - I'd love to be a TF but in my pocket - well, I'm content with who I am. The question you are probably asking - content, you're just content? So let me clear my Let me clarify - I'm content with the fashion choices that are within my budget and are conducive to my lifestyle. Let's not forget Ladies and Gents - I'm a mom of 2, a wife and a new homeowner. Yeah for me! Yippie! Ok, ok, back on the grind - Budget is the name of the game, not a word I like but a word to live by.

I heart Carrie and Sex and the City gals too. Wish I could live their lives. Well, Carrie had a cool job, but she lived on credit - not too cool. Miranda, well - she's the smartie pants of the bunch, not much to her and not much to say about her. I personally heart Carrie but not Carrie's living TBC (gotta work)

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